Thursday, March 27, 2008

Welcome to NickNaks!

Why Wool? and What I Am Doing!

I started using cloth diapers on our son Nicholas when he was two months old. I tried a variety of diaper types and found that my favourites tended to be fitted diapers. Unfortunately, these need a cover and I did not like the idea of putting plastic like pants or wraps over these nice breathable cotton diapers. It seemed to defeat the purpose.

So, I started looking at wool covers. I did not know at first that wool was a very good option for a diaper cover. Who would have thought? I learned that wool can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture before feeling damp! I also learned that it has natural cleansing and antibacterial properties which means that you only need to wash it every two weeks or so, unless it is actually soiled. I also learned that it is soft, not scratchy like wool work socks! I started looking around for wool covers and then learned that they can be very expensive! As a lot of these covers are hand knit by WAHMs (Work At Home Moms) they take a lot of time and care to create. But I can still not afford $70 for one pair of wool pants, no matter who it is supporting!

Then I heard about recycled. or repurposed wool covers. Basically, this is the process of taking an old wool sweater and turning it into pants, shorts, and soakers. I can sew, so I thought this was a great option for us. I fumbled through my first couple of pairs of longies (pants) for Nicholas before I really got the hang of it.

Recently I have started to make covers for the purpose of selling them to other Moms and Dads that can't afford hand-knit wool either and don't have the skill or the time to make their own. I am keeping my prices low so that I can really help in making cloth diapering easy and attainable to a larger number of people.

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